Portal Based Enrollment Method

The Portal Based enrollment method will allow you to view, update, and submit all elections from the prior plan year for an easy renewal experience. 
Written by Michele Lombardo
Updated 1 year ago
NOTE:  You cannot access this until you have completed your plan configuration and agreed to your terms and conditions for the new year. Once you submit your plan configuration, please allow 24-48 hours before processing enrollments so Ameriflex can perform our internal Q&A on the plan setup. 
INFO:  This system is only compatible with FSA, DCA, and Commuter Plans at this time. All other plans can be re-enrolled using our Spreadsheet enrollment method. For additional enrollment tools and resources, visit our Open Enrollment Resource Center.

Here’s How:  

Step 1 - Login to the Ameriflex Client Portal.

Step 2 - Select the General tab.

Step 3 - On the General tab, click on the dropdown arrow for Enrollment Information.

Step 4 - Select Portal Based from the available enrollment options.

Step 5 - Select Save.

NOTE:  Once you have completed the Plan Configuration step, you will be able to load your enrollments into the system. 

TIP:  Once you submit your plan configuration, please allow 24-48 hours before processing enrollments so Ameriflex can perform our internal Q&A on the plan setup. Once Ameriflex has reviewed and approved the plan configuration, you will see the Submit Enrollment Action Item populate on your right-hand menu upon logging in.

Now, you are ready to load your enrollments.  

Here’s How:

Step 1 - Select the Accounts tab in the Employer Portal

Step 2 - Select the plan you are renewing from the dropdown, for example FSA, DCA, etc.

Step 3 - Select to either enter the Per Pay or the Annual Election and allow the system to calculate based on the calendar.

Step 4 - Update the elections for the new year in the appropriate box. In this example, since Annual Election is selected, we will update the EE Election column, and the Per Pay will be calculated automatically. For each member, ensure the calendar, First Payroll Date, and Effective Dates are correct or update them as needed.

NOTE:  Anyone not electing can be left blank. This will not prevent any rollover of funds from occurring.

Step 5 - Once completed, select Save, and you will receive confirmation at the bottom of the screen that the elections were processed.

Step 6 - Once completed, select Action Items on the right-hand side, and mark the Action Item for Submit Enrollments as Done.

NOTE:  Enrollments will not be submitted for processing until you mark Done on this action item.

After completing all the steps, this process is complete, and the elections are live. 

NOTE:  Be sure to repeat the above steps for all plan types.  

Here are a few important reminders:


Updating a Participant's Demographics

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