As a plan administrator, you will come across questions from your participants about substantiations requests. Participants have a fiduciary responsibility to provide documentation to Ameriflex in order to ensure that their card transactions are eligible for your plan. This article will help plan administrators be able to quickly view which participants have pending transactions and who owes documentation.
1. Log into the Ameriflex Client Portal
The home page appears.
2. Select Invoices/Reports from the menu located on left of the page.
A new page appears with multiple tabs.
3. Select the Unsubstantiated Transactions tab.
4. Hover over a participant's name (if listed) and select their name to view the current pending transactions for each person.
5. If you wish to deactivate a participant’s account due to their lack of cooperation, select the Deactivate button next to their name.
You successfully viewed which participants have pending transactions and who owes documentation.