Employer Debit Card Substantiation Options

Learn how an employer can update their card's substantiation options.
Written by Rachael Seida
Updated 2 years ago

Ameriflex is frequently asked about card substantiations so that you can make the best decision for your participants. This article will not only help answer those questions it will also guide you through how to make those changes via the Ameriflex client portal.

Information: An employer is allowed to change their debit card substantiation options midyear.

Complete the following steps to change your substantiation method: 

1. Login to the Ameriflex Client Portal

The home page appears. 

2. Locate the General tab and click the dropdown arrow.

A dropdown list appears.

3. Select Substantiation from the list of options.

A list of (4) options appear for Substantiation. 

Information: The following list includes descriptions for each option to help you choose the best option for the employer. 

[Option 1] (Highly Recommended): Ameriflex will attempt to obtain documentation from participants for all card transactions which are unable to be auto-substantiated. The employer controls whether and when to suspend card access to participants who fail to substantiate in an acceptable time frame. Complete and customizable participant transaction reports, as well as a self-service feature to enable participant card/purse deactivation, are available to the employer through the MyAmeriflex Employer Portal to facilitate this process and provide greater transparency into participant card usage.

*Summary: We will request substantiation documents, which keeps the employer in compliance, but accounts will remain active unless a plan administrator decides to suspend an account. This is the option we recommend for the least employee friction since cards are not automatically deactivated.

[Option 2]: Ameriflex will attempt to obtain documentation from participants, for all card transactions which are unable to be auto-substantiated. Ameriflex will automatically suspend card access to participants who fail to substantiate in an acceptable time frame.

*Summary: Ameriflex will request substantiation documentation. If participants do not comply, their accounts will be automatically deactivated. To activate the account the participant will need to respond to all requests. This is considered the stricter option as it requires the member to substantiate or have their account deactivated. 

[Option 3]: Ameriflex will attempt to auto-substantiate all card transactions, and will not request follow up or automatically remove access to payment cards.

*Summary: No documentation will be requested. All transactions will be approved. This is the most participant friendly option however the employer should only select this if they are okay assuming the risk of jeopardizing the compliance of their plans. We understand that groups may be okay with assuming that risk and therefore we do offer this as an option.

[Option 4]: Other (for custom preferences and set-up – additional costs may apply) If you wish to set up your plan with specific parameters/preferences other than the ones listed above, you may select this option. It is not recommended as it is not 100% compliant with IRS regulations, but similar to Option 3, the group may wish to limit their risk. Therefore the group can select to only substantiate over or under a specific dollar amount using this option. For example, request substantiation for transactions only about $500.00 and auto approve all transactions under $499.00.

4. Review all of the options and click in the circle next to your desired option to make a selection.

Note: The screenshot below is an example to show you where to click to make a selection.

5. Click Save. 

You successfully updated the debit card substantiation. 

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