Eligible Expenses

Learn what you can spend your FSA/HSA money on.
Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 2 weeks ago
Important: For a list of eligible expenses for dependent care accounts (DCAs), click here.

An eligible expense is defined as those expenses paid for care as described in Section 213 (d) of the Internal Revenue Code. You can use the below links to find the qualifications for each item. 

Below are sample lists which may help determine whether an expense is eligible.

Deductible Medical Expenses/Eligible Expenses Examples

Abdominal supports Abortion Acupuncture
Air conditioner (when necessary for relief from difficulty in breathing) Alcoholism treatment Ambulance
Anesthetist Arch supports Artificial limbs
Autoette (when used for relief of sickness/disability) Birth Control Pills (by prescription) Blood tests
Blood transfusions Braces Cardiographs
Chiropractor Christian Science Practitioner Contact Lenses
Contraceptive devices (by prescription) Convalescent home (for medical treatment only)  Crutches
Dental Treatment Dental X-rays  Dentures
Dermatologist Diagnostic fees Diathermy
Drug addiction therapy Drugs (prescription)  Elastic hosiery (prescription) 
Eyeglasses Fees paid to health institute  FICA and FUTA tax paid for medical care service 
Fluoridation unit Guide dog Gum treatment
Gynecologist Healing services Hearing aids and batteries
Hospital bills Hydrotherapy Insulin treatment
Lab tests Lead paint removal Legal fees
Lodging (away from home for outpatient care)  Metabolism tests Neurologist
Nursing (including board and meals) Obstetrician Operating room costs
Ophthalmologist Optician Optometrist
Oral surgery Organ transplant (including donor's expenses) Organ transplant (including
Orthopedist Osteopath Oxygen and oxygen equipment
Pediatrician Physical Therapy Physician
Physiotherapist Podiatrist Postnatal treatments
Practical nurse for medical services Prenatal care Prescription medicines
Psychiatrist Psychoanalyst Psychologist
Psychotherapy Radium Therapy Reading glasses 
Registered nurse Sanitary napkins/pads

Special school costs for the handicapped

Spinal fluid test Splints Sterilization
Sunglasses Surgeon Telephone or TV equipment to assist the hard-of-hearing
Therapy equipment Transportation expenses (relative to health care) Ultra-violet ray treatment
Vaccines Vasectomy Vitamins (if prescribed)
Wheelchair X-Rays Massage (if prescribed)

Eligible Over-the-Counter Drugs Examples

Allergy Medications Cold Medicine Pain relievers
Antacids Cough drops and throat lozenges Pedialyte
Antibiotic ointments Feminine Menstrual care Sinus Medications and Nasal Sprays
Anti-diarrhea medicine First aid creams Sleep aids
Calamine lotion Motion sickness medicine Wart removal medication

Non-eligible Expenses Examples

Acne Treatments Fiber Supplements Nutritional Supplements
Athletic Club membership/Gym Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA) contribution One-A-Day Vitamins
Baby Sitting, Childcare, and Nursing Services for non-impaired child Funeral Expenses Personal Use Items
Boarding school fees Future Medical Care Scientology counseling
Bottled Water Hair Transplant Social activities
Chapstick Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) contribution Stop-smoking programs
Controlled Substances Household Help Suntan lotion (sun protection is eligible but requires broad spectrum protection and an SPF of 15+)
Cosmetic Surgery Illegal Operations and treatments Toiletries
Dancing and Swimming Lessons (even if recommended by doctor) Maternity Clothes Toothbrush
Diaper Server Medical Savings Account (MSA) contributions Toothpaste
Dietary Supplements Medicated Shampoo/Soaps Topical Creams
Electrolysis or Hair Removal Medicines and Drugs from other countries Veterinary Fees
Face Cream Moisturizers

Eligible Transit Expenses Examples

Transit Parking
Transit Pass Expenses incurred for any pass, token, farecard, or voucher that entitles a person to transportation (or transportation at a reduced price) on mass transit facilities (whether or not publicly owned) or provided by any person in the business of transporting persons for compensation or hire if provided in a highway vehicle with a seating capacity of at least six adults (excluding the driver) Eligible Parking Expenses are incurred to park your vehicle in a parking garage or lot on or near the business premises of your employer or to park your vehicle at a location from which you commute to work by (a) mass transit facilities, (b) a commuter highway vehicle, or (c) carpool
Commuter Highway Vehicle (Van-Pool, i.e., transportation in a commuter highway vehicle if such transportation is in connection with travel between the employee's residence and place of employment) The plan may only be used for the employee to pay for work site-related parking expenses

Non-Eligible Transit Expenses Examples

Transit Parking
Expenses incurred after the date of termination of the employee Expenses incurred after the date of termination of the employee
Expenses incurred prior to the date of plan election Expenses incurred prior to the date of plan election
Transit expenses of your spouse and dependents Parking expenses of your spouse and dependents
Non-work related transit expenses Non-work related parking expenses
Expenses incurred in traveling from your office to business or client meetings Expenses incurred in traveling from your office to business or client meetings
Fuel, mileage or other costs incurred to operate a personal vehicle or taxi Any claim submitted more than 180 days after the expense is incurred
Tunnel, bridge, or highway tolls (EZ Pass)  

Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account Expenses Examples

Bifocals Contact Lens Case Eyeglasses Rx
Braces Contact Lenses Fluoride Treatment
Bridges Dental Care Orthodontia
Cataract Surgery Dental Procedure Vision Correction
Contact Cleaning Solution Eye Exams Tooth Extraction


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