Adding copays help to automatically substantiate card swipes for copay amounts, which means members will not be asked for receipts for any copay transactions. This is HIGHLY recommended to reduce the number of requests employees receive and create a better member experience.
Add a Copay
Complete the following steps to add a copay:
1. Login here
2. Locate and click General Tab.
3. Locate Copays and select the drop-down arrow next to it to open the copay section.
A message appears with an Add copay option.
4. Click Add copay.
The Add Copay window appears.
5. In the Name field, type the desired name for the copay.
6. In the Copay Type field, select the drop-down arrow to select a copay type.
7. In the Amount(s) field, enter the copay amount.
8. Click Save.
You successfully added a copay.
Update a Copay
Complete the following steps to make changes to an existing copay:
1. Login here
2. Locate and click General Tab.
3. Locate Copays and select the drop-down arrow next to it to open the copay section.
A list of current copay names should appear.
4. Locate the desired copay name you wish to make changes to, hover over and then click on the copay name.
The Edit Copay window appears for the selected copay name.
5. Make changes to any of the fields, as necessary.
6. Click Save.
You successfully made changes to a copay.