What is a Qualifying Life Event (QLE)

Learn what a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) is and how a qualifying event affects your coverage.
Written by Taylor Byas
Updated 11 months ago

Qualifying events are events that cause you to lose group health coverage. After losing group health coverage, you may elect to take COBRA, which provides previously benefit eligible and enrolled participants and their dependents the ability to continue coverage between 18-36 months depending on their role and qualifying event.

Note: For prior employees and or covered dependents that originally only qualified for 18 months of COBRA coverage, they will be allowed to extend COBRA coverage for an additional 18 months for a total of 36 months of COBRA coverage if a second qualifying event occurs.

Qualifying Events might include:

  • Voluntary/Involuntary Termination
  • Reduction of hours 
  • Death
  • Divorce
  • Aging off parents benefit plans
  • Entitlement to Medicare

If you've experienced a Qualifying Event, lost group health coverage, and need COBRA coverage, set up your Ameriflex COBRA account and make a COBRA election

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