Set up Ameriflex COBRA account

Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 1 year ago

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 requires employers with 20 or more employees who provide healthcare benefits to offer the option of continuing this coverage to individuals who would otherwise lose their benefits (medical, dental, vision, life insurance and Gap) due to termination of employment. If employees are leaving a company, whether voluntarily or for other reasons, they can opt to stay in the company’s health plan for a limited time under this law.


  1. From the Ameriflex COBRA login page, click new user registration
  2. Enter the case sensitive registration code (this can be found in the specific rights notice within the New Member Login Notice page), click submit registration
  3. Fill out form but leave the Individual ID field blank, click submit registration
  4. Check I accept, click submit
  5. Fill out form, click submit & create account
  6. Your username and password should be prefilled, click sign in
  7. Click send validation code
  8. Go to your email inbox and locate the email from, click validate email
  9. Sign in
Note: you may need to wait a few minutes and refresh your inbox or check your spam folder if you do not see the validation email

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