
Here's an overview of what Ameriflex has to offer.
Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 4 months ago

Welcome to Ameriflex! 

Whether you’re stopping by to learn more about your benefits or you have a specific question, this is your source for all things Ameriflex.

Once you’re signed up through your company, follow the initial setup guide to get started. The initial setup guide features step-by-step tutorials for the main tasks you need to complete before you start spending. 

If you have a health savings account (HSA) with another company and would like to move it to Ameriflex, then get started with your transfer today.

Benefit programs

As part of your employer’s benefit plan, you have the option to enroll in a number of spending accounts that can save you money on out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. 

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

An FSA is a tax-advantaged spending account for healthcare expenses. When you enroll in an FSA, you will choose an amount to contribute, tax-free, to pay for thousands of eligible expenses. Whether it’s $1 or the IRS maximum of $3,300, you will have the flexibility to choose a contribution amount that you’re comfortable with and makes sense for your situation. Since your FSA account is pre-funded by your employer, your total contribution will be available to you on the first day of the plan year, providing a safety net should you need that money right away. 

Dependent Care Account (DCA)

With a dependent care account (DCA), you can contribute up to $5,000 pre-tax per year to use on a child dependent under the age of 13 or dependents who are unable to care for themselves. Unlike a Flexible Spending Account, DCA funds can only be used as they are deposited into your account. 

Health Savings Account (HSA)

An HSA is a tax-advantaged savings account for healthcare expenses.  When you enroll in an HSA, the account is yours forever and can be transferred if you change jobs or retire. Money in an HSA rolls over year to year, meaning you can save and invest when you can or spend funds on eligible healthcare expenses as needed. HSAs provide you with three tax savings opportunities: contributions are made pre-tax, funds grow tax-deferred, and withdrawals for qualified expenses are tax-free. 

Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

An HRA is an annual allowance 100% funded by your employer for you to use for eligible medical purchases. Your employer decides how much your annual reimbursement allowance is and designates which expenses are eligible. 

Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA)

An LPFSA has the same tax-advantages as a general purpose flexible spending account (FSA) but it’s used specifically for dental and vision expenses only. This allows individuals who are actively contributing to a health savings account (HSA) to enroll in an LPFSA and contribute to both accounts during the same plan year. Just like an FSA, you can contribute up to $3,300 to an LPFSA.

Commuter Reimbursement Account (CRA)

A CRA is an account that allows you to set aside pre-tax money to pay for qualified work-related transportation and parking expenses. A CRA comes in different options: a transit account and a parking account. You can contribute up to $325 a month to a transit and/or parking account, and you can change your monthly contribution any time should your commuting needs change.

Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA)

Your employer gives you the option to purchase your own health insurance plan and get reimbursed for your monthly individual insurance premiums, up to a certain amount through an ICHRA. The ICHRA cannot be used to reimburse premiums for an employer-sponsored group health plan.

Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA)

A Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) is a perk provided by your employer that reimburses you for health and wellness expenses, and sometimes other costs that aren’t typically covered under your standard health insurance. 

Tuition Reimbursement Account

A Tuition Reimbursement Account is a program offered by your employer that can help you pay for your degree, tuition, specialized training, and other costs associated with ongoing education.

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