Add a New Hire to COBRA

Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 1 year ago

Adding a new hire to the COBRA system will allow Ameriflex to furnish a COBRA General Rights Notice Letter to the employee. This notice letter must be furnished to all active employees within 90 days of the start of enrollment in the group health plan.

You can also add an info blurb at the end of the article and note, "Once an employee has been added to the COBRA system through this method, you can later easily move the employee to a Qualified Beneficiary account after the employee experiences a Qualifying Event, such as termination, loss of eligibility, etc. Please see this article for information on this process.

Complete the following steps to learn how to add:

1. Open this link Ameriflex COBRA Portal and click the blue Employer Login button to access your account.

The home page appears.

2. Locate and click the Members tab to the left of the page.

3. Click the Add Member button. 

The Add Member page appears with three selections. 

4. Locate New Hire and click Select.  

The Add New Hire Member page appears.

5. Fill in the required fields (marked by a red asterisk) and any other information desired.

6. Click Add Member when you're finished filling out the form. 

You should see a green message at the top of the Add Member page. If you see this message, you successfully added a new hire to COBRA.

Note: After you add an employee to the COBRA system as a New Hire, you can later easily move the New Hire employee to a Qualified Beneficiary account after the employee experiences a Qualifying Event, such as termination, loss of eligibility, etc. For more information, view this article.
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