If you have questions, contact Ameriflex's Participant Services team for support.
Availability hours: Click here to view our office hours.
Phone number: 888.868.FLEX (3539)
When you call, you will have the option to request a call back from our Participant Services team if you don't wish to stay on the phone and be place on hold for a long period of time. The call back option allows you to still keep your place in line after you provide some information and end the call. An Ameriflex representative will return your call within a reasonable amount of time based on call order.
Additionally, we will soon offer an upgraded call-back feature where you can select a specific time frame for when you'd like us to contact you at a more convenient time.
Email: service@myameriflex.com
Chat: Visit myameriflex.com and click the Live Chat button at bottom right hand corner of the screen to start chatting with us for help.