Upload a (IH) Funding File for Fiserv Clients

Download and fill out our (IH) Funding File, and then upload the file to the Client Portal to post funds to your employees' accounts, excluding HSAs.
Written by Michele Lombardo
Updated 1 year ago

Use our Funding File and follow an easy two part process in the following sections to learn how to properly fill out the file, and then upload the file to Client Portal to post funds to your employees accounts, excluding HSAs. 

Warning:  You must complete Part One to successfully complete Part two. 

Part One:  Complete the Funding File (IH) for Enrollee Deposits

1. Login to your Ameriflex Employer Portal.

The home page appears. 

2. Locate and select the Participant tab. 

The Participant page appears. 

3. Locate and click the ellipsis. 

A dropdown menu appears. 

4. Select Download blank account transaction file

The file will be saved to your computer. 

Note: You must complete a new file each time you want or need to load funds to the portal.

2. Open the downloaded spreadsheet. 

Note: All of the fields for each column in this spreadsheet are required and cannot be left blank. You must fill out each field to successfully complete the file.

3. Below Column A - Employee SSN field, enter the employee's Social Security Number.  

Note: The SSN you enter must follow one of the two example formats. Example A includes dashes: 000-00-0000 and Example B doesn't include dashes: 000000000

4. Below Column B - Account Type field, type one of the following acronyms: DCA, EPR, FSA, ICP, ICH, PKG, PKP, TRN, TRP. 

Information: The following list is a description for the acronyms:

  • DCA = Dependent Care Account
  • EPR = Wage Parity Clients
  • FSA = Flexible Spending Account
  • ICP = Individual Coverage Monthly Health Reimbursement Account (ICHRA)
  • ICH = Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Account (ICHRA)
  • PKG = Parking Account
  • PKP = Post Tax Parking
  • TRN = Transit Account
  • TRP = Post Tax Transit

5. Below Column C - Deposit Type field, type the letter 'A' in the cell.

Information: A = Payroll Contributions
Warning: Double check this field to ensure you include the right letter. Inputting other letters will result in a different or incorrect file for your needs. 

6. Below Column D - Employee Contribution field, enter the total contribution amount to be deposited for the employee.

Note: The dollar amount format will automatically appear as 0.000000000.  Leave the format as is. 

7. Below Column E - Employer Contribution field, enter the total contribution amount to be deposited for the employer.

Note: The dollar amount format for this step is the same as the previous step. Leave the format as is. 

8. Below Column F and the Effective Date field, type the date you'd like the deposit to post.

Note: The two acceptable date formats: mm/dd/yyyy or yyyymmdd. The effective date must be changed each time a new file is sent for processing. If the system receives two files with the same dates, it won't load the second deposit file because the system thinks there are duplicate posts. Also, if the Effective Date field is left blank, it will autofill and default to today’s date.  

9.  Save the funding file to a secure location on your computer.

You successfully filled out and completed the (IH) Funding File for Enrollee Deposits. Continue to Part Two to learn how to upload the file in the Client Portal.

Part Two: Upload the completed IH funding file in your Client Portal

You must complete all the steps in Part One before you can proceed with the steps in this section to upload the Account Transaction file into the Ameriflex Employer Portal.

1. After logging into the Client Portal, locate and select the Participant tab. 

2. Click the ellipsis and select Upload account transaction file.

3. Fill out the Plan Year Start Date and Plan year End Date fields with the appropriate dates. 

Here's an example:

4. Click Upload Transaction spreadsheet.

5. Locate and select the completed the (IH) Funding File from your files to upload the file to the portal.

An Information box appears. 

6. Click Close.

You have successfully uploaded the completed funding file to the Client Portal.  

Note: Check your inbox to view the processing results. 

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