ePOP Portal Account Created for POP Non-Discrimination Testing

Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 2 years ago

Since you have been notified that your account has been created in the ePOP portal, you’re now able to perform your POP Non-Discrimination Testing. 

To begin, you’ll go to the www.epopdocs.com portal and create a login to access the testing. Once logging into the site, the testing can be found by:

  • Starting at the 'Home' page
  • Locating your account
  • Clicking on the 'Action' button located to the right of your account information 
  • Clicking on the 'Non-Discrimination Testing' option that will come from the 'Action' drop-down menu

Please also understand the following:

You should not use the ePOP portal to access or edit documents as the account was created with empty and/or dummied out information just to get access to the testing. This site should ONLY be used for the testing.

You should continue to use your FSA plan documents and should continue to reach out to your CXS for any document changes/updates, as the documents in the ePOP portal will not cover your plans fully.

You will be receiving a renewal reminder email for this account, however you should ignore that email and proceed with the normal Ameriflex FSA renewal process. 

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