ICHRA Virtual Pay Feature

The Virtual Pay option will allow participants to provide account information to their carrier so the carrier can charge their ICHRA account monthly. This feature enables recurring payments to be pulled directly from available ICHRA funds by the carrier and eliminates the need for participants to manually enter their Ameriflex card information each month to pay their premiums. 
Written by Taylor Byas
Updated 1 month ago

We strive to provide a seamless experience for our clients and keep their world quiet. Participants needing to find their card, log into their carrier, and enter their payment information month over month is a pain point for our ICHRA clients. The Virtual Pay option gives participants a way to set up recurring payments directly to their carrier for their monthly premiums, removes frustration, and creates an ease of use for ICHRA participants. 

To enable the Virtual Pay feature, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the Participant Portal.

2. Select More Details within the field that contains your ICHRA information.

3. Click the partial or hidden account numbers to generate a pop up screen.

4. On the pop up screen, read and agree to the terms of using the Virtual Pay feature. 

5. After you click I Agree, your full account numbers will display. Provide these numbers to your carrier so they can pull your funds directly from your account. 

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