COBRA Open Enrollment

Typically, once per year, COBRA participants can change their plan elections and add dependents. If Ameriflex is administering Open Enrollment on behalf of your previous employer, this article will walk you through the process.
Written by Taylor Byas
Updated 4 months ago
Important: This page refers to the annual Open Enrollment process in which COBRA enrollees may change their insurance plans. The information on this page does not pertain to making an initial election to begin COBRA continuation. If you are new to COBRA and looking to make your initial elections, please visit our Help Center.

COBRA participants have the same Open Enrollment rights as active employees because COBRA allows them to continue the same insurance plans they had while employed. Like other plans, COBRA plans operate on a plan-year basis. As one plan year ends, COBRA participants typically have the right to Open Enrollment for the next one. During Open Enrollment, participants can add, change, or remove plans and add dependents not previously covered.

NOTE: Ameriflex does not administer Open Enrollment for all employers. If we are not managing yours, contact your former employer for their Open Enrollment period.

1. You’ll need a copy of your Open Enrollment packet. You will typically receive a copy of this by U.S. Mail. If you did not receive it, you can also download a copy of the packet from the Communication Activity section of your account on our COBRA Portal.

2. On Page 2 or Page 3 of the Open Enrollment packet, you will find a list of available plans for the upcoming plan year. The names of each plan are listed in the left-hand column. The deadline to complete your Open Enrollment is also listed below this section.

3. Fill out the COBRA Open Enrollment Form (this form is included on the last page of the Open Enrollment packet for your convenience).

4. In the Applicant Coverage section, you may choose the Keep Same option as long as your previous employer still offers your existing plans for the upcoming plan year. You can then skip ahead to Step 8.

Important: If your previous employer is no longer offering the same plans for the upcoming plan year, but the “Keep Same” checkbox is selected, we cannot process your request.

5. If you wish to select different plans, or if your previous employer is no longer offering your existing plans, please choose the Add checkbox.

6. In the Plan Name boxes pictured below, please list the exact names of each plan you would like to select. Your previous employer may offer multiple plans of each type (i.e. three medical plans, two dental plans, etc.), so we’ll need to know exactly which plan you’re selecting. The names of each plan can be found on Page 2 or 3 of your Open Enrollment package.

7. If you are selecting plans for your spouse and/or other dependents, complete the Spouse Coverage and/or Dependent Coverage sections, repeating steps 4-6.

Note: If you want to exclude a specific dependent from one or more plans, leave a note such asDo not enroll" in the Plan Name box. (Please see our example for the daughter not enrolling in the Vision plan below.)

8. Sign and date the bottom of the form, and return your completed form back to us via email at

Please allow up to 3-5 business days for processing. Be sure to monitor your email during this time, as we may contact you if we need additional information to process your request.

If your monthly COBRA premium changes for the new plan year, you will receive a Plan Change Notice letter detailing the new amount due. If you have already set up recurring payments, we will automatically process payments for future months based on the new amount due without any action needed on your part.

As a reminder, COBRA premiums can be paid online by accessing your account via our Member Portal at In the member portal, you can also access additional details regarding your account.

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