Validating Your Email in COBRAPoint

Plan Administrators and Brokers must register at and validate their email to access the Cobra portal. Email validation is required to view Participant and Client information.
Written by Michele Lombardo
Updated 2 years ago

After the Register Validation process is complete, you should receive a message in your inbox requesting you to validate the email for access. Most people miss this step and it results in being one of the most common reasons why a User can't access the Cobra portal. 

Complete the following steps to validate your email: 

All members are required to validate their email address. 

1. Click Send Verification Code when you reach the Email Validation step during the COBRAPoint registration process.

Note: All members are required to validate their email address. 

A validation message appears to notify you that a validation email has been sent to the email you provided.  

If an invalid email address is used, an error message will appear.

Warning: You have three chances to validate your email address before the account is locked.

2. Select Request New Email if you don't receive an email in your inbox after a few minutes of waiting.

Note: Be sure to check your Junk/Spam folders for a message from "" and/or with a subject line starting with “Email validation for your..." 

If you've checked all possibilities and tried all the methods and still are unable to locate the validation email, reach out to your IT department. Ask them to review all rules that route emails to another email address or folder. You may also need to check to make sure there are no security walls blocking the email from coming through to your inbox. If there are, please work with your IT department to have,, whitelisted on your computer. 

 Note:  To mitigate future issues, you may be able to add “” to your Safe Senders List.

What if I am still not able to validate after trying these steps?  If all of the steps have been taken in this article and you're still having issues validating your email for access, we suggest you provide us more Information as to where or what your Mail Service is doing with the email that is being sent. Additional investigation may identify a cause of the acceptance of these emails by your Mail Service.   

Note: If, however, you wish to skip any further Investigation and force a Validation of the email against this Registration Code, we will do so. Be advised that we will note that the Investigation was declined.


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