Enter a Legacy Qualified Beneficiary

Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 2 months ago

You can enter qualifying events, including terminations, layoffs, etc. into the Ameriflex COBRA PortalAdding beneficiaries into the portal on your own helps Ameriflex process the information faster and more accurately. As a result, beneficiaries are able to receive their COBRA notices faster.

Complete the following steps to learn how to add a Qualified Beneficiary:

1. Open this link Ameriflex COBRA Portal and click the blue Employer Login button to access your account.

The home page appears.

2. Locate and click the Qualified Beneficiary tab to the left of the page.

The Add Member page appears.

3. Locate Qualified Beneficiary (QB) and click Select.

The Add Qualified Beneficiary (QB) page appears.

4. Fill in the required fields (marked by a red asterisk) and any other information desired. 

5. Click Continue when you're finished filling out this page. 

Let us know why we are offering COBRA and/or entering them as a Legacy participant.

Information: A Legacy participant is someone that is already on COBRA or who has been offered COBRA and they are still within their 60 days to elect COBRA Coverage.

6. Fill in the required fields (marked by a red asterisk) and any other information. 

Everything that is pre-populated in the required fields on the left will stay as they are.

Note: For Event Type, The Event type of Termination - Involuntary and Reduction of Hours options - Status Change will be used for the ARPA subsidy.
Note: For Event Date, input the last day of employment or the last day of active employee benefits.  Whichever is later.

7. Locate the "Has this member already been offered COBRA?" question and select Yes to indicate you're entering a Legacy participant.

8. Complete the following section of the same page:

  • Date Specific Rights Notice was Printed - Choose the date that is on the participant’s COBRA offer letter.
  • Has the member elected?  Select Yes or No.
  • Postmark Date of Election Form - If yes to the previous question, enter the postmark date of the Election Form.
  • Next Premium Owed - Select the month and year. 

9. Click Continue. 

The Plans & Bundles page appears.

10. Click Add Plan. 

The Add Plan page appears.

11. Locate Plan, click the drop-down arrow, and then select Plans from the list. 

12. Locate Coverage Level, click the drop-down arrow, and then select the correct coverage level from the list. 

13. Click Add Plan. 

14. Repeat steps 9 through 12 if you need to add additional plans. 

The Add Plan page closes and the Plans & Bundles page reappears.

15. Click Continue when you're done adding all your plans.

The Dependents pages appears.

16. Click the Add Dependent button to add any dependents to the plan. 

The Dependent Information page appears.

17. Fill in the required fields (marked by a red asterisk) and any other information. 

18. Click the down arrow icon + Add Selected Dependent Plan(s). 

19. Click Add Dependent. 

20. Repeat steps 15 through 18 if you need to add additional dependents.

21. Click Continue. 

22. Click Add Subsidy Schedule if you want to add a subsidy. 

Note: Steps 20 through 22 are optional.

23. Fill in the required fields (marked by a red asterisk) and any other information. 

24. Click Add Subsidy Schedule. 

25. Repeat steps 20 through 22, as needed. 

26. Click Continue. 

27. Click Add Member to complete the process.

You successfully added a Legacy Qualified Beneficiary to COBRA. 

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