Check Member's Event Type

Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 1 year ago

Individual Search:

  1. Open this link Ameriflex COBRA Portal and click the blue Employer Login button to access your account.
  2. Use the Member Search fields to populate member specific information, click Find Member
  3. Click member's Name
  4. Scroll down to the Event Information section and the Event Type is listed
  5. If the status is incorrect, please submit the change to your Client Relationship Team. Contact information can be located within our Ameriflex Employer Portal.

Run a report:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Navigate to the left menu and click Imports & Reports then click Standard Reports
  3. Click Qualified Beneficiary Summary in the drop down menu. Click ALL Insurance Type Statuses. Select Comma Separated Values Text File. Click Run Report
  4. Scroll up and click Job Queue
  5. You will be redirected to the active jobs section, find report and click View
  6. Open downloaded excel report. Event Type can be found under column O
  7. If the status is incorrect, please submit the change to your Client Relationship Team. Contact information can be located within our Ameriflex Employer Portal.

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