Approve or Deny a COBRA Benefits Appeal

Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 1 year ago

If we have received a COBRA benefits appeal letter, requesting benefits be reinstated, we will first reach out to notify you. 

Ameriflex is required to provide a response to the participant within 30 days from the date of the appeal letter, so upon receipt, please let us know if you would like to approve or deny the appeal. 

You have two courses of action: 

  • In order to approve the appeal, please complete the COBRA Plan Administrator Override Form and return to us for processing via new email. 
  • In the event that you would like to deny the appeal, please confirm via email indicating that you would like to deny this appeal.

Please note: If we do not receive a decision to the appeal prior to that 30 day date, the appeal will be automatically denied based on the Department of Labor COBRA Guidelines.

While Ameriflex typically advises against allowing late payments/reinstatements to help keep the employer in compliance with Federal COBRA regulations, we understand there are times exceptions need to be made. Therefore, we leave this to the employer’s discretion on how they would like Ameriflex to proceed. However, it is important to note that any decision made may set a precedent which could apply to all similar COBRA appeals.

To view your COBRA participants’ information, you may visit our Ameriflex COBRA Portal.

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