Access Member-Level COBRA Data

Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 1 year ago

Complete the following steps:

1. Open the Ameriflex COBRA Portal and click the blue Employer Login button to access your account.

2. Once the home page appears, locate and click the Members tab to the left of page. 

3. Select Find Member from the drop-down menu.

4. Once the Find Member page appears, search for members by entering their first name, last name, SSN, individual ID, member ID, and/or member type. 

You will then have access to the member's profile and can view the following data about each member:

  • Profile page - contains the Demographics & Event Information for the participant.

  • Plans & Bundles page - shows the member's plan information.

  • Payments page - shows the payment details for this participant.

  • Letter Inserts page - shows the available letter inserts to use.

  • Communications page - view to see which letters have been sent to the participant.

Note: Contact your Client Relationship Team for additional assistance, if needed.
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