Why would I need to submit a Letter of Medical Necessity for an eligible expense?

Written by Aimee Reynard
Updated 3 years ago

Some services and products are potentially qualifying, depending on their intended use. The IRS requires third parties, such as Ameriflex, to verify the eligibility of the service or product. 

What items are not considered eligible?

Items and services used to maintain or prevent a medical illness or injury are not eligible expenses.

What items are eligible with a letter of medical necessity?
Items and services used to help treat or cure a medical illness or injury are eligible with a letter of medical necessity. 

Example: There are several types of therapy treatments. If the therapy is intended to treat a specific medical condition and is recommended by your doctor, then you can use your Ameriflex account to pay for the treatment. In this case, we would need your doctor to complete a letter of medical necessity so that it can be applied to your account.

You will only need to submit a letter of medical necessity for a specific treatment once per plan year. Having this letter on file will allow us to process manual claims along with your itemized receipt from the provider, or to help clear a substantiation request for a debit card transaction.

Submitting a letter of medical necessity 

Click here to download the letter of medical necessity form.

Submit this letter directly to our claims team at claims@myameriflex.com.  You can also submit the form with your first claim request. 

For a full list of items that are eligible with and without a letter of medical necessity, click here

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