Your access options

Written by Dawson
Updated 2 years ago
  1. Go to and log in.
  2. On the home page, below the ‘Purchase New POP Document’ button, you should see the header ‘My POP Documents’.  Below this you will find a list of the plan documents you are linked to.
  3. The documents will be listed in descending order by plan year, so the top listed one should reflect your current plan year.
  4. Click on the ‘Action’ button next to your current plan year to access your available options. They include:

    Edit - Will allow you to make any necessary changes to your plan (please note: any mid-year changes to the plan year must be made by Ameriflex) and to directly download your plan documents.

    Send to Self - Will have an email issued to you directly with the plan documents.

    Send to All - Will have an email issued to all listed email contacts with the plan documents.

    Non-Discrimination Test - Will allow you to perform the IRS required Non-Discrimination Testing for your Section 125 plan to ensure that the plan does not favor highly compensated or key employees.

    Renew (will be available if within 60 days of the end of your plan year) - Will allow you to renew your account and make any necessary changes for the upcoming plan year.
  5. Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen to log out or access ‘My Profile’ where you can update your username/e-mail address/password.
  6. Click on EPOP+ Overview to access general information on how ePOP/Premium Only Plans/Section125 work. 
  7. Click on EPOP+ Tutorial to access a menu of ePOP guides and information, including a video tutorial for the Non-Discrimination Testing, a Quick-Reference Guide that may be useful for explaining Section 125/POP to your employees, and a Data Requirements Worksheet that you can use to collect the data needed to create a new ePOP account prior to beginning the purchase option.
  8. Click on the Shopping Cart Icon to access any purchase you have started and saved to the Cart, but not completed.
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